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Jesus Trail
Bird Watching

My specialty is custom made tours that will meet your interest and expectations. And I always have in mind that you should enjoy every moment of your trip.

Israel lies directly on the international route birds follow as they migrate seasonally between Africa and Europe. a paradise for Bird watchers

'Backpack on your shoulders, binoculars hanging at the ready, and camera in hand as you sit watching and waiting. Only the squawking of the birds in the distance breaks the silence.

The Jesus Trailâ„¢ is a 65-kilometer hiking trail in the Galilee region of Israel which connects important sites from the life of Jesus as well as other historical and religious sites. The Jesus Trailâ„¢ offers an alternative for travelers and pilgrims to experience the steps of Jesus in a way that is authentic, adventurous and educational by hiking through the rugged and beautiful landscape of the Galilee in Israel.

The Holy land, the cradle of Christianity and Judaism is the unique destination for pilgrims tours. Visit the holy sites and sacred places of the Old Testament and New Testament; explore the ancient churches and monasteries which represent all churches and denominations.


Zefat is one of 4 Jewish holy cities in Israel and is located in the upper hills of the Galilee. Zefat was always considered over the centuries as the capital of Kabbalah in the world and was where one of its most prominent and well known teachers lived, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, who wrote the main Kabbalah book known as The Zohar. Zohar means Splendor or Radiance. The book of The Zohar is widely regarded as the most important work of Kabbalah. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah (the five books of Moses), written by Rabbi Bar Yohai. It consists of a mystical discussion about the nature of God, the universe and its origins and structure, the nature of souls, sin, redemption, the tension between good and evil in the world, and the relationship between man and God.

Christian Pilgrimage
Holy Kabalistic City of Zfat

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